May 9, 2010

A WoW Junkie in Limbo

Welcome to What's a Main? As you may have guessed from the title, I'm an altaholic, as in, someone who can't play just one character in World of Warcraft. On my main server, I have ten level 80 toons, one of each class. I also have a level 70 toon on another server on the enemy side, with a couple of other low level alts. And I still have my original toons from way back in the day on my old carebear servers, and a low level toon I sometimes used to grief people on a PVPRP realm. Sometimes when I'm bored, I roll up a new DK toon just to mess around. How does someone end up in this state? Well, lets go back to the beginning.

I'm not quite e-cool enough to say I was playing the vanilla beta, or even playing it at launch. But, World of Warcraft was less than a year old when I started playing. A buddy of mine had been playing it very casually for a few months, and I was spending the night at his house one night, and he suggested I try it, and make a toon. He logged in, showed me his level 25ish troll hunter. I thought having a pet seemed cool but didn't want to be the same class, so I rolled a UD warlock. And so it began. I had never played an MMO before, so I wasn't just a WoW noob, but a total noob. The first mob I pulled, I didn't get that the game had auto-attack, so I was continuously mashing the attack hot key. I played for an hour or so, and found it to be pretty cool. It wasn't long after that I bought the game and took it home to install on my shiny new computer. Now, I hadn't liked being a warlock too much. Too squishy. I carefully read through the game manual about all the races and classes, and decided that Tauren were my favorite race, and that being able to transform into animals seemed awesome, and thus began my life as a Tauren druid.

I think that's a good place to end my tale for today. I need to save somemore to keep getting my WoW fix. You see, I had to sell my computer in February, and I am suffering from major WoW withdrawals. I decided to start this blog as an outlet to keep me going until I can play again, and then keep it going with more tales of my alts.

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