May 17, 2010

Finding My Inner Tank

So, I created my new gang. I decided to make them along a theme, except for the one toon I originally planned to be my main, a Blood Elf paladin. I'd always had an affinity for paladins in fantasy settings, and I had had alot of healing experience, and I was really enjoying tanking on my Ally toon, so it seemed to make sense. I decided to go female (strangely enough, for the third time in a row) and I had always liked the name Faith, and that seemed appropriate for a paladin, so I went with Faeyth. For the rest of the gang, I went with names from my favorite characters from my favorite console RPG franchise, Final Fantasy. I have Claude (Cloud) the blood elf rogue, Cid the orc shaman, Terra the blood elf priest, Nanakie (Red XIII) the troll mage, Yuffee (Yufie) the blood elf hunter, Barrett the tauren druid, Renoh (Reno) the blood elf warlock, and Tifah (Tifa) the orc warrior (later I would add Golbez, the Forsaken death knight). But, once I created them all, it was back to Murbellah.

I truly found my calling in WoW with tanking. Partially, I liked the leadership role in 5-mans. Partially, I liked being the one who could take the hits, who didn't get one shotted if I got aggro. I liked setting the pace, being the one who had to know the fights, teaching others the ropes. Being able to make up for bad players and save the group from a wipe. Sure, healing's nice sometimes, it can be a secondary leadership position, and its definitely fun to be able to pew pew sometimes, but tanking made me enjoy being in a group like nothing else. It almost made up for having to play with Ally scum all the time. Almost.

I tanked my way through every instance, Deadmines, Stockades, RFK, RFD, SM, Uld, ZF, ST, BFD, LBRS, even twisted enough arms to get people to do WC and SFK. Along the way I rounded up all my cloth to turn in to the hated Nelfs, who as much as I hate them have the coolest racial mounts in the game. So, when I dinged 60, I rode my ass down to the Blasted Lands on my nightsaber, and entered the Dark Portal. Next stop, Draenor....

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