Jun 9, 2010


So, a few days ago I finally logged back into WoW for the first time in months. Now, I knew my account had been hacked, but Blizzard had told me they investigated and were able to restore my accounts to what they had been when I last played. Sadly, this was untrue. I logged in to find MOST of my 10 80s in the gear that I had left them in... however, their bags and banks were empty other than a few quest items and hearthstones (all of my toons are dual specced and had at least two gear sets, my pally who is the best geared of my toons was in her off spec gear when I logged her out, so her good gear is gone), almost all of my gold is gone (between my ten alts I had about 10-15k gold), and a few of them are even still missing some of the stuff they were equipped with when I last logged out. I opened a GM ticket of course, and they are investigating again, so we'll see what happens... but if I don't at LEAST get all my good gear back I might commit WoW suicide (I can live without the gold if I have to). Anyways, I'm going to go log in and see if I can help Blizz with the investigation by figuring out exactly what gear I'm missing... then I'll go back to playing with my now level 71 draenei warrior who I've been playing cuz they didnt fuck with her and I'm too broken up over my hordies to try to play with them.

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