Oct 6, 2010

Deathwing Cometh! (And the Perils of IRL Aggro)

Been a while. Much has changed since I last posted. My computer had to be formatted and I'm in the process of downloading all the patches, so I thought I'd take the time to get a post in. So, in case you live under a rock, you've probably heard that the Cataclysm expansion finally has an official release date, December 7th, 2010... a mere 2 months away. Will I be in line at GameStop at midnight? You betcha!

Anywho... so last I wrote to you all, I had just got back on to WoW, to find my account hacked, much of my gear and all of my gold and bank items gone. I am pleased to say the Blizzard was extremely helpful and was able to restore ALMOST all of my lost gear and gold and items. And over the last few months, I've made up (and then some) whatever I lost. But yea, props to Blizzard. Before this happened though, I spent some time leveling my draenei warrior, and have since gotten even a stinking Alliance to the level cap.

But most of the last few months was spent continuing to gear up my hordies, getting different achievments I was interested in, farming rare mounts, leveling fishing, and most recently, really beginning to plan for the future alts that will come in Cataclysm. Some of the highlights of this time was getting my orc shaman Cid a netherdrake and nether ray (the nether drake quests are especially fun, if you never experienced that), getting my Tauren druid Barret the Guardian of Cenarius title and the Cenarion Hippogryph, and finally getting some WotLK raiding experience. I've done at least some of the bosses in every raid except EoE and RS, even getting Cid (whos up to a GS of about 5200) into ICC 10 (did Gunship, Saurfang, and Rotface). I am hoping to at least get a Lich King kill on normal 10 man before Cata hits, but we'll see. I realized though that all this gear I'm collecting will soon be replaced by quest greens or at least by dungeon blues, so, mayhap my frost and triumph badges would be better spent on heirlooms for the new alts, so I set about farming heroics to get all the heirlooms I could, and even leveled fishing for a chance at the heirloom ring. My planned new alts are Stiltzkin, a female goblin rogue, Leto, a male tauren paladin, Scytale, a male goblin shaman, and yet un named female forsaken hunter, male troll druid, and male worgen warrior. Now, as you know, I've already got 10 80s on my main server (and now an 80 alliance on another server), so, no room for all these alts... so, to get heirlooms to them, I decided to server transfer my 80 BE rogue, Claude, to a new server. I will replace him with Stiltzkin on my main server so I will still have one of each class, and on the new server I'll make the rest of my horde alts, and maybe my worgen too... or maybe the worgen on the server with my ally 80, depends how much stuff i can send in the mail cross faction (heirlooms can be sent, not sure about gold). Also, since I need a Claude on my main server to fit with the theme of my characters there, and since Claude does not fit with the theme of my new characters, I also recustomized Claude into a female BE named Alia. When Cata hits, I will be race changing my currently female orc warrior Tifa into a male BE warrior Claude. The theme of my new alts is Frank Herbert's Dune in case you didn't catch it. So the heirloom farm is what I'm working on now. I've got everything I need on my main server and on Alia's server but I still need more for my worgen if I do it on my alliance server, I might need more if I do it on Alia's server too, I'll have to check.

In other news, I have indeed found myself deep into the WoW addiction that once gripped me so strong. When I came back to WoW after a hiatus it was only with the promise that it wouldn't interfere with my real life, but its done just that once again... my roommate and best friend has told me she feels like she lives alone or with someone who completely ignores her in favor of a game. So, I need to try to cut back, at least a little. But, I can't stop now... I've still yet to have the expansion launch experience, and I am NOT missing it this time. Till next time guys.

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